Rental Calculator

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How Much Rent Can I Afford?

How much should I spend on rent? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! This rental calculator will help you determine how much rent you can afford based on your annual income. Pricing is broken down into estimated monthly payments depending on how much or how little you’d like to spend on your monthly rent.

Please note that this rental calculator only provides suggested rents, and it does not take any personal expenses into consideration. Please choose your apartment with care.

Monthly Rent at 15%

You have more important priorities in this life than your address. Your home is somewhere you rest your head and recharge so that you can get back out into the world.

Monthly Rent at 25%

You have a great sense of balance between going out into the world and entertaining at home. Your home is important to you, but so is your social life.

Monthly Rent at 35%

You will find any excuse to stay home, and that’s okay. Going out is for the birds, and a top priority for you is escaping the world and retreating to your home. Go out for what?

You will find any excuse to stay home, and that’s okay. Going out is for the birds, and a top priority for you is escaping the world and retreating to your home. Go out for what?

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